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3 Model Faith-Based Organizations Doing Their Part

Faith-based organizations are a vital part of the charity industry. Without them, the world would not have many of its most productive and beneficial charities. These organizations are rooted in religion, but just as important are the actual causes themselves that the charity supports. The following faith-based organizations prove that they are defined by more than just their beliefs, they are defined by their actions. Each charity on this list received an A or A+ rating from Christian Science Monitor’s: “America’s Top 50 Charities: How Well Do They Rate?”

Compassion International

Compassion International was began when Reverend Everett Swanson flew to Seoul to minister during the Korean War. He witnessed the harsh, and sometimes deadly, conditions that many children faced because were left on the streets. He took it upon himself to start an orphanage and a unique program that allowed an individual in the Western world to provide Bible-based education, food, clothing, shelter and medical care for a Korean orphan for a few dollars a month. Today, they’ve crafted a Holistic Child Development Model that has helped over 2 million children and young adults escape the reaches of poverty.

Catholic Relief Services

This faith-based organization started in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe. Catholic Relief Services is obviously rooted in the Catholic faith, but they make it known that their operations “serve people based solely on need, regardless of their race, religion or ethnicity.” After over half a century of growth and expansion, CRS now helps over 100 million people in 93 countries around the world. They utilize a variety of programs to impact those less fortunate including agricultural programs, water and sanitation programs, and microfinance programs.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army may seem like a fairly obvious choice, but that’s because they are that good at what they do. The Salvation Army has been serving the needy for years, and now provides hunger relief, housing assistance, homeless services, Christmas assistance, and after school programs for children and families all over the country. They embody their slogan, “Doing the Most Good,” by serving however they can with other services that include substance abuse rehabilitation, veterans affairs, prison ministries, elderly care, anti-human trafficking programs, and missing person services.

If you’re seeking a charity to get involved with, these faith-based organizations are a great starting place. Still, giving back doesn’t have to come in the form of a donation – look for ways that you can help in your everyday life.